Spring Into Your Primal Power Rebirth Webinar

Spring Into Your Primal Power Rebirth Webinar

 Spring Rebirth Webinar

Are you ready to tap into your primal power?

As a high-vibration soul, I have tapped into some deep transformative energies and as a shaman, I have been using the deep seeds of the shadow dancers to ignite my flame and passion while walking through the shadows of transformation.  

Here's the thing, I have learned to cultivate deep primal power through the shadowwork and mindfulness practices, from energy magic to shadow alchemy, neurological and neurodivergence neuroscience, and the cultivation of the divine feminine raw primal power within.

You see, I came from a past of deep struggle with parents who did not understand my ADHD and differences, to later holding a corporate career leading to burnout. I was masking my truest dreams and desires, I was masking ADHD superpowers.  I had a dream burning within me for so so long but I didn't know how to bring it forward.  I needed a rebirth! I needed a breakthrough! But how? 

I wanted to be a healer, but I was hiding my gifts from the world, playing small, hoping to one day be noticed. 

So I kept DOING what I thought was needed, all the while avoiding my inner struggle, mental loops, and food addictions.  I was living a lie masking my ADHD diagnosis, leaving me feeling disorganized, full of anxiety, and mental overload. I was exhausted, and on top of that, I just wanted to feel like I belonged and that I was fulfilling my soul's purpose. 

Can you relate?

I said enough was enough, I took the plunge and dove deep into shamanic medicine, primal divine feminine ancient power, and neuroscience paring them to create the Shamanic Breakthrough method to help people break through the mental mess, master the adhd neuro superpower, and tap into their primal god/goddess power within and I would like to share it with you. So I put together this free webinar to help all of you tap into the powerful spring rebirth energies, learn the tools for lasting change and transformation, and set fire to your inner dreams and breathe them into life. 

Within this 3-hour webinar, I will walk you through the path of healing and transformation with the shamanic breakthrough tool kit. Tuning mindfulness into the transformation of shadow work, learn how to sync with earth cycles to create lasting change and rebirth, and tap into juicy goddess primal power to learn how to magnetize your dreams to you. We will finish with a transformational rebirth ceremony to help you transform your dreams into reality and rebirth into the new you. 

In this free webinar, you will discover:

  🔥 Master the mental mess of ADHD and Anxiety.
   🔥Learn how to master stress and burnout.
   🫣Shadow work- vs- mindfulness.
   🌟How to empower your Soul Star purpose.  
   🤯Rewire the brain for success. 
   🌼How to use the earth cycles for empowered rebirth and growth. 
   🦄Tapping into your raw goddess' primal power and confidence 
        to create lasting change.  

What you will receive 👍
🎉Free PDF shadow work workbook. 
🎉Rebirth Ritual tool kit. 
🎉Connection with other neurodivergent badasses. 
🎉My roadmap to lasting transformation and healing.  

So you are invited to join me on March 13,  at 11-2 CST
 9-12 PST 12-3 EST 
